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  Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg Big Box
  Publisher Schmidt Spiele
  Designer Warsch Wolfgang
  Artist Lohausen Dennis
  Editing Gimmler Thorsten
Bild   random random
  tactics tactic
  interaction intera
  Texts Links Pictures
  Player Duration Age Languages Year
  2-5 ca. 45 min 10+ de 2020
  search/collecting - dice - Deck Building - multiple games
Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg Big Box

Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg Big Box


The Big Box features the core game, the 1st expansion Die Kräuterhexen, and a mini expansion, Wolfgangs Wechselstube.


At the Quedlinburg Bazar, quacks and charlatans brew potions. Ingredients and ingredient books are displayed, the board is prepared, and player bags are equipped with ingredients. A prophecy card is revealed for the round and eventually resolved, and rat tails are resolved. Then all draw ingredients from their bags and place them into the cauldron according to their value - if the total of white ones exceeds 7, the cauldron explodes. Chips of other colors are resolved when drawn or at the end of the round. When all passed or were forced to pass, the round is scored, and rubies and bonuses are taken. After nine rounds you win with most points.

Die Kräuterhexen introduces a new ingredient as well as three different types of the Herb Witches in the title; there are also overflow bowls and new ingredient books plus components for a 5th player. The basic game flow is the same. However, three times during the game you can ask for the help of one of the three witches on display, by discarding - in the correct phase - the corresponding Hexenpfennig that you received at the start. When your cauldron is full, you put additional chips into the overflow bowl for victory points at the end; color chips there do not trigger book actions.

Wolfgangs Wechselstube can only be played with the front side of the cauldron; if you move a drop you can choose if you move the one on the cauldron or the one on the test tubes; movement on the test tubes gives you advantages; depending on the location of the drops you can also buy victory points for 12 to 2 money units.


Compilation Box for the bag building game for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2020

Designer: Wolfgang Warsch

Artist: Dennis Lohausen


Stock#: 49390


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes


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