


Quick grabs and hilarious antics


Sounds simple! Roll die and grab a post! For this seemingly easy exercise you use six posts of varying size and with different markings, plus a white symbol die, two orange Grab dice, one dark blue Movement action die, one light blue Vocal action die and a green interaction die, as well as 30 sticks in three lengths.

The white die is always used, he determines the post to take; the orange dice tell you how to pick up the post. The blue dice determine what you have to do before you can grab a post, and the green die tells you how to interact with other players before grabbing Dice results can cancel each other out or reverse other results. Players decide at the start, which dice are used in addition to the white one. You can only grab posts with one hand and only grab one post, may not change your grip or change the grabbing hand.

An example for a dice result: Use the back of both your hands to grab the post with the most possible lines, after clapping your hands, crowing like a cockerel and doing High Five with your left and right neighbor. When all posts are grabbed, you check on meeting requirements. If someone does not meet one of the requirements, he is out of the round without receiving a stick. Then the three players who best met the requirements are rewarded with one of the sticks. When all long sticks have been handed out, you win with the longest line of sticks.

Somewhat crazy, very cute, very funny, very hectic and yet rather balanced in the requirements – one player might spot symbols quickly, the other reacts quickly and yet another one has noted that he may not use the usual grabbing hand.


Players: 3-8

Age: 7+

Time: 20+

Designer: Antony Proietti

Artist: Dennis Lohausen, Oliver Richtberg

Price: ca. 20 Euro

Publisher: Zoch Verlag 2018


Genre: Party, reaction

Users: For families

Special: Many players

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr it

In-game text: no



Cute party game

Good mix of tasks

Nice for larger groups


Compares to:

Reaction games with behavior demands


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 3

Action (dark green): 3