

Wazir Omar is looking for bridegroom candidates for Suleika, the most beautiful carpets and a huge fortune are in demand. In your move you choose a direction for Omar, roll the die and move Omar accordingly. Omar must walk all steps as set by the die. If his move ends on the carpet of a fellow player you pay to this player 1 unit for each connected carpet half. Then you place one of your carpets on a square adjacent to Omar, on free squares or carpet halves. You cannot completely cover one carpet with your own. You win if you own the highest total of visible carpet halves and money, when all carpets have been placed.


A game of moves and placement for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Dominique Ehrhard * Art: Victor Boden * ca. 30 min * 28300, Zoch, Germany, 2008 *** Zoch GmbH *