

An unknown species, Kali, has infiltrated the explorers‘ caravan, no-one knows where and when it will turn up. You move your tourist to the head of the queue, the higher the value of the card you play for him, the earlier he moves. As each number is available only once, you might end up in the elephant’s muck and score negative. Mambo rams the new last tourist in line and he scores negative points equal to the number of steps Mambo moved. When Kali hits the muck or is pushed by Mambo, his negative score falls on the player who played the card with the lowest value. When 12 cards have been played, you win with fewest negative points.


Placement game with a chance element for 3-7 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Zoch

Designer: Antonio Scrittore

Web: www.zoch-verlag.com

Stock #: 60110 5008


Users: For families

Age: 8

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no