

You have ball, ring and action-clock of one color, the clock shows 0. A line is marked and the Boochie is thrown approximately 1 m. All players stand behind the line and in turn throw ring or ball and then their second object. For being nearest or nearest-but-one to the Boochie you score 2 points or 1 point. If your object complies with the rule on top of the Boochie you score these points, too. You also score for throws hitting other objects, your own ring or the Boochie. After scoring you must obey the rules marked next to your score on the action-clock. You win with a score of 11 or higher at the end of a round.


An action game for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up * Designer: Forrest Pruzan Creative * Art: Oliver Richtberg, Eva Paster, Stephanie Ser * ca. 20 min * 28800, Zoch, 2009 * Lizenz: Gamewright * Zoch Verlags GmbH *