
Fighting epidemics in a race against time


Four deadly epidemics threaten mankind. Players are specialists and travel to different locations all over the world to fight the danger of infection together and to search for antidotes. The fate of mankind is in your hands!

A player turn always comprises three phases: 1) Action phase, you can spend four actions for travel, healing, research and construction. 2) Supply phase - you draw two cards. 3) Infection phase - cities are infected. But time is short, as breakouts and epidemics speed up spreading of the disease. Will you find the antidotes in time? Players can and should discuss the situation, advise each other and make suggestions for possible action, a decision is always made by the currently active player. Event cards can be played anytime, even when it is not your turn.

This new edition has been revised, has been given a new design and introduces two new characters - the Quarantine Specialist and the Contingency Planner / Krisenmanager. The Quarantine Specialist prevents outbreaks and placement of new epidemic cubes at her current location and also in each city connected to her location. The Contingency Planner can use one action to choose one card from the discard pile of event cards and store it on his character card; this card does not count towards the card limit in hand and is taken out of the game when it was played. Other roles are Scientist, Medic, Dispatcher, Researcher and Operations Expert.

Hair-raisingly thrilling and challenging! Are we getting a grip on the situation or is mankind doomed? Still the best cooperative game around, in my opinion, but don't let one player take all the decisions!


Players: 2-4

Age: 14+

Time: 45+

Designer: Matt Leacock

Artist: Chris Quilliams

Price: ca. 30 Euro

Publisher: Z-Man Games 2013


Genre: cooperation, development

Users: With friends

Special: Many players

Version: de

Rules: de en and more

In-game text: yes



Revised new edition

Two new characters

Still enormously challenging and thrilling

Fantastic cooperative game



Compares to:

Pandemic 1st edition and other cooperative development games


Other editions:

Pandemic, Z-Man Games


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 2

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0