Miss Lupun


Her name is an anagram of Plus Minus! As legendary High Priestess of Logic she offers adventures in the universe of numbers. You have tiles of values 0 to 9 and three secret problem cards. In turn you place a number on the board and try to solve your own problems. These are stated on the cards as a formula using coordinates and as a diagram, both relating to the board, e.g. A5+B5=D5. When all spots on the board are taken, each player turns up his problems and adds the points awarded for correctly solved problems as stated on the cards. You win with the highest score. A variant for playing over several rounds is given.


Mathematical puzzle game for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Winning Moves

Designer: Thomas Sing, Ralf-Peter Gebhardt

Web: www.winning-moves.de

Stock#: 2089 5


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: some