Barbie Fashion City


Players talk a walk with Barbie through her favorite city and want to visit all important stops to collect pass cards before retourning home. You roll the die and move your Barbie accordingly. You must follow the traffic signs on some of the squares and also execute the events indicated by the 6 different Barbie symbols, if your turn ends on such a square. If you reach the entry spot for a location with an exact roll you receive a pass card for this location. If you enter such an entry spot a second time you lose a turn. If you reach the “home” spot first with all 11 pass cards you win the game.


Version        : de

Regeln         : de

Text im Spiel : nein


Roll & Move game with a license topic * 2-4 players ages 5+ * 8026 8, Winning Moves, Germany, 2011 *** Winning Moves Deutschland GmbH * * Lizenz Mattel