Jurassic Snack Kangoudocus


Baby Diplodocus saurians want to eat more grass then the other faction or mobilize the T-Rex. Blue begins with one action, then both teams alternate to take two actions per turn, the same or different ones, with the same or different Diplos: 1. Move a Diplo until blocked; grass at the end of the move is eaten and the effect resolved. 2. Move T-Rex until blocked, a Diplo he reaches is chased off the board. If someone has no Diplo left on the board, he has lost. If there is no more grass on the board or, within the last two turns, no-one has eaten grass or chased off a Diplo, you win with the highest score from your eaten grass.

Kangodoucus - Before or after a standard move, your diplodocus can jump over any other diplodocus onto an empty case.. Backside: Layout Little Flower


Promo Card for Jurassic Snack for 2 players, ages 7+


Publisher: The Flying Games / Blackrock Games 2018

Designer: Bruno Cathala

Art: Camille Chaussy

Web: www.theflyinggames.com

Stock #: -


Users: For families

Special: 2 players


Version: multi * Rules: en fr + es it pl th * In-game text: yes