Goblins Epic Death


Goblins attacking the town; conquered land cards give victory points. Land cards are displayed for a battlefield according to one of the templates. The active player draws up to two cards from the Goblin deck or takes one Goblin Marker per not-drawn card instead. Then you can deploy heroes and machines, before moving your army = leader card across the battlefield, if not already on a land card. A land card reached is revealed and resolved; if the attacking army loses, you throw goblin markers for damage taken. If you try Epic Death in clearly defined situations, you throw all your goblin markers. If they all show the death side, you have conquered the land card.


Conflict with cards for 2-6 players, ages10+


Publisher: Stratelibri / Giochi Uniti 2011

Designer: 4G = Anna de Martino, Dante Maiocchi, Salvatore Russo, Vincenzo Russo

Art: Dante Maiocchi, Salvatore Russo

Web: www.giochiunitiinternational.com

Stock #: SL0128


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en it pl * In-game text: yes