

63 knights sit on 64 cases, the dark player determines the empty spot, the light player starts. Knights are neutral, the active player moves one knight in a chess knight move and captures horses on cases of his color; you cannot choose pass and must continue to capture as long as you can. If you cannot capture, you must pass your turn. If nobody can capture anymore, you count captured horses and horses on your own color cases. If you have more than 30 horses, you score one point per additional horse. If you accrue 10 or more points in several games, you win.


Joint production of Forum-Federatie vzw (Antwerpen, Belgien), Spiele Club Österreich (Wien), Spielekreis Darmstadt e.V., Spielezentrum Herne, Mister X (Düren, Deutschland), Club TreEmme (Modena, Italien) and Ducosim (Niederlande)


Abstract placement game for 2 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Spiele Club Österreich 2013

Designer: David Parlett

Artist: Peter Rijkhoff, Fred Horn


Stock#: -


Users: For With friends


Version: be de it nl * Rules: be de it nl * In-game text: no