

Alter                    6



T-Rex World

Big Prey


Hungry dinosaurs roam their habitat for prey, but need to beware of the dangerous Tyrannosaurus Rex who is hunting, too! Each player receives a pair of dinosaurs made up from two identical cards; three habitat cards are laid out in the middle of the table. Prey cards are shuffled and approx. one third of them is placed next to each of the habitat cards. In each turn players in seating order place first one and then their second card next to one of the habitat cards, cards already placed there are covered by new cards. Then one of the players throws the habitat tiles onto the table: When two tiles end up face up, these two habitats are deemed to be active. When only one habitat is visible, any one of the two remaining is turned up; should all three be visible, any one is turned over to leave two active habitats. Then all dinosaurs lying next to the inactive habitat are returned to their owners.  Now players owning dinosaurs next to active habitats can go hunting by turning up prey cards. Hunting is done from left to right habitat and in each habitat the player whose dinosaur is on top of the stack hunts first. To hunt you up one prey cards one by one and can stop or go on after each card. Stopping secures the prey cards. If you go on you risk a T-Rex or Flying Dinosaur card which loses you all prey of this round. When one stack of prey cards is empty after several such rounds, you win with the most valuable prey.

Within the T-Rex World series Big Prey offers a nice mix of chance and some planning when choosing habitats and stopping the hunt on time – a felicitous game with an all-time attractive topic.


Players         : 2-4

Age             : 6+

Duration       : 20+

Designer      : Klaus Kreowski

Artist           : Thea Ross

Price            : ca. 6 Euro

Publisher      : Die Spiegelburg 2010

Web             :

Genre          : Card game

Users           : For Children

Version        : multi

Rules           : de en es fr it nl

In-game text : no



Very attractive topic for a series of games in identical design * pretty illustrations * nice game mechanisms


Compares to:

All card games featuring the stop+secure/lose mechanism


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance                2

Tactic                   1

Strategy__          0

Creativity            0

Knowledge          0

Memory               0

Communication   0

Interaction          1

Dexterity             0

Action                  0