

As a rich Renaissance merchant you use your wealth to acquire mines and transportation and to hire artisans to turn raw diamonds into jewels. Development cards are on display and one more nobleman than there are players. You have one action in turn, chosen from taking gem chips, reserve a card and take gold or buy a card, either a reserved one or one from the display. Cards you bought yield bonuses for further buys, if you have the necessary bonuses on cards you are visited by a nobleman and receive his tile for Prestige. You win with 15 prestige points.


Set collection game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Space Cowboys 2014

Designer: Mark André

Artist: Pascal Quidault

Web: www.spacecowboys.fr

Stock#: 02224 4


Users: For families

Age: 10


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no