Mago Magino


The good magician Mago Magino protects the land against the evil witch, but now she managed to steal and break his magic crystal, players should bring the pieces back to the magician, the first player to bring back three crystals wins the game. The active player rolls the die. For a 1 he turns the witch arrow, if it points to a child, the child is turned into a frog, then a child or the magician is moved. For a 2, 3, or 4 a child or the magician may be moved. One can carry only one chrystal and may not carry it through the Magic Wood, bewitched childrean cannot carry a crystal. Mago Magino also protects the children and can change them back from frogs to children.


Movement game on a magic story theme * 2-5 Spieler from age 5 * Author: Reiner Knizia  * ca. 20 min * 3574 Selecta, Germany, 2004 *** Selecta Spielzeug GmbH * *