Ozeane Sammler-Edition


Stand-alone game, based on the games in the Evolution series, the environment is now oceans. On the surface and in the uncharted depths you must be able to adapt to the unknown to survive.

In the core version and first half of the game, Surface/Oberfläche, Phytoplankton, using photo synthesis, is the basis of the food chain; every other species in the seas is predator, one always bigger than the previous one, until we arrive at Apex Predator and the whales; the trait Surface gives stability. In the second half you can use cards for The Deep/Tiefe , offering more than 100 different traits; those cards disrupt stability and enable astonishing synergies. Two randomly chosen scenario cards active/deactivate points in the game.

Kickstarter edition, Collector’s or deluxe edition; this Collector’s Editions comes with exclusive promo cards and components for 5 and 6 players.


Development with card synergies for 2-6 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Schwerkraft Verlag 2020

Designer: Bentley Nick, Dominic Crapuchettes, Ben Goldman und Brian O’Neill

Art: Ben Goldman, Catherine Hamilton, Guillaume Ducos, Jacoby O‘Connor

Web: www.schwerkraft-verlag.de

Stock #: SKV1102


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: yes