Mystery House Zurück Nach Tombstone


Escape Room game with app and solving in real-time. An adventure is selected and the 3D house is set up, You explore locations by entering the coordinates and touching the objects. To use an object and to receive hints you also enter coordinates and touch the object, the same goes for entering codes to solve puzzles. The game can only be played once by a group, but is re-playable for others.

Zurück nach Tombstone is an expansion, a Wild West adventure that can only be played using the core game of Mystery House.


Expansion for Mystery House for 1-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2020

Designer: Antonio Tinto, Simone Luciani

Art: Andrea Tentori Montalto


Stock #: 40385


Users: With friends

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: yes