Level X


Your roll dice to collect points on chips. The board shows rows of different lengths for numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. You roll 4 dice and use any combination to make up one or several of those numbers; you can also leave dice unused. Then you place your marker in the rows or move if forward. If you reach the X-spot, you receive a number chip. If the X-spot is occupied, you throw out the resident marker. If your marker is still on the X-spot in the next round and you roll the number again, you get another chip. Sets of all 6 chips earn you a bonus. When 3 chips stacks are depleted, you win with the highest total.


A game of dice and placement for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up * Series: Easyplay * Designer: Stefan Risthaus * Illustration: Dennis Lohausen * Editing: Thorsten Gimmler * ca. 20 min * 49008, Schmidt Spiele, Germany, 2010 *** Schmidt Spiele GmbH * www.schmidtspiele.de