Geht noch was?


Use dice results to complete self-selected tasks. Task cards are prepared as stated and you place a set of starter cards next to your points track. Phases of a round are: 1) Take bonus; 2) Buy task cards for your display, paid for with virtual income from scored task cards. 3) Place new task cards into the lower levels of the points track; maximum for cards per level. 4) Roll and use dice – the Fairy of the round rolls seven dice, the results are used by all who now try to complete and mark a task card of the lowest level with results from the roll, and can then decide on stopping or continuing. If you cannot complete a task or want not, you are out of the round without a result. When all have decided the Fairy rolls again and you can now complete and mark a card on the same or next higher level. When all have passed you can decide for each completed card if you move it to the next level or turn it over and put it to the right side of the points track for scoring at the end of the game. After five rounds, the completed tasks to the right of the track are scored for each level.

Series Klein & Fein


Dice and risk game for 1-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2024

Designer: Jens Merkl

Development, editing: Georg Wild

Art: Hendrik Noack, Marco Armbruster, Daniel Müller


Stock #: 49448


Users: For families, with friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no