our review


Indiviual tourists and group travel


Dream Islands


A tour around the archipelago


As a tour guide around the Dream Islands Archipelago you need to comply with tourist wishes quickly and well, but the guests have different demands – some want to see the islands one after the other, some want to travel alone, others in groups.


The board shows various islands that are connected by arrows; the destination Dream Islands can only be entered, after visiting all islands, from the last island in the line and you cannot leave Dream Island again.


Each player has a little board and six tourist pieces, four shell pieces and 16 task cards wish guest wishes, expressed by arrangement of tourist images on the task  card.

You place five of your tourists onto the airplane case at the start; the starting player places one tourist on the first island as indicated by the arrow, the then next player puts his tourist on the next island after that, and so on, following the indications of the arrows. Finally, you draw three cards from your face-down stack of task cards.


From now on each player in turn, beginning with the starting player, has one turn with three actions each:

- Move: You place one of your shell pieces on a free number on your board – 2, 3, 4 or 5 – and thus choose the range of movement for the turn. When all cases are taken, you remove all four shells and can choose from all four numbers again.


- Complete a task: If, after the movement of your tourists, you can complete a task on a card in your hand with the current locations of your tourists – there are either exactly 2, 3,4 o5 5 tourists on an island (four tourists on an island do NOT complete the task of „3  tourists on an island“!) or you have exactly one of your tourists on 2, 3, 4 or 5 consecutive islands (one tourist on three islands does NOT complete the task card of „one tourist on 2 islands each“) or you have more of your own tourists on an island than all of your opponents together – you can set down the card as completed.

Tourist pieces that you have moved to the Dream Island in the middle of the archipelago are placed, in the order of arrival, on cases 3, 2, 2 for victory points, all others arriving on Dream Island go to case 1 for one victory point. Pieces that have arrived on Dream Island can never be removed from there and cannot be included in a configuration to meet a task card. You are, however, allowed to use one figure to complete several tasks.


- The complete your turn you refill your hand to three cards and can put any number of cards in hand underneath the stack, in any order, before refilling.


If you have competed your last task or you have six tourists on Dream Island you trigger the end of the game; the current round is completed and then you win with most points from two points each for each completed task, tourists on Dream Island in relation to their position and a bonus of three points, if you managed to complete all tasks.


It is a real dream of an archipelago where we are moving around, and the other tourists do not really disturb us, they can only interfere in the completion of majority tasks. Everything else we do on our own, as in the tasks of x tourists on an island or x tourists on consecutive islands the tourists of other players are not in the way at all. So we only have to manage to achieve the necessary arrangements of our tourists in a way that provides optimum succession with few unnecessary moves and therefore plan our movement range carefully. Chance is also not really a big deal, as we can at any time shunt tasks that do not suit at the moment and can also check at any time what we have already completed. And don’t forget, you can do several tours around the islands before you send a tourist to the Dream Island and take him out of play this way. A very nice game for summer and for holidays for the whole family!


Dagmar de Cassan


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Lorenz Kutschke

Artist: Michael Menzel

Price: ca. 21 Euro

Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2016

Web: www.schmidtspiele.de

Genre: Marker placement and arrangement

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr it

In-game text: no



Somewhat abstract despite the topic

Little interaction

Not a lot of chance

Nice family entertainment


Compares to:

Games on arrangements of markers


Other editions:

Currently none


My rating: 5


Dagmar de Cassan:

The nice illustrations provide holiday feeling, which is not marred by the mechanism and the somewhat abstract feeling, all in all nice light summer entertainment.


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0