Bibi & Tina Mädchen gegen Jungs

Das Spiel zum Film


Treasure hunt for golden stars in Falkensteiner Forst, Team „Die hotten Hühs“ versus „Die Drei Musketiere“. Three pawns for girls play against one pawn for boys. You collect hint tiles for star cards. The star cards show the hints that you must collect, by drawing from the bag. If you have collected all hints for a star card, you take it and resolve its effects. Hints that you did not need but drew out of the bag are put on the board. All girl pawns must reach the cave with four star cards before the boy pawn arrives there. Fiese Trix und Witch tiles influence the game.


Cooperative roll, move and collect game for 2-4 players, ages7+


Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2016

Designer: Christian Fiore, Knut Happel

Art: Fiore GmbH, DCM


Stock #: 40574


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes