Bibi Blocksberg Verhexter Hexenbesen


Target cards in a grid must be hit with the Bibi piece. Hexenbesen-Zielfliegen: You hold ten open symbol chips and throw Bibi - if she lands on a target, you turn over the corresponding chip; if Bibi lands on a cake, you must turn up a chip. If you have all chips face-down, you win. Rasanter Hexenbesen-Flug: Chips are distributed in the room. You let Bibi fly - if she lands on a target, all simultaneously search for the corresponding chip. If you find none or get up to search when Bibi lands on a cake, you advance your marker one step on the board. If someone reaches the last case, you win, if you are furthest behind on the track.


Action- and dexterity game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Schmidt Spiele 2017

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Art: Kiddinx


Stock#: 51411


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no