Thick on thick, empty on empty


Players are building monsters and place tiles for their own monster or that of an opponent; you want to create a big monster, but one that big that you cannot finish it.

At the start of the game each player chooses one of the 88 tiles for his starting tile; tiles with connections to three or four sides are a good choice for this. The remaining tiles are heaped face-down. In your turn you draw a face-down tile and then place it next to any monster. If you can place a tile anywhere you must do so and you are not allowed to discard a tile that you could play. When a tile is not playable according to the unanimous decision of all players it is put back into the box and you a draw a new one.

Each side of a tile shows either a thick purple part of a monster or a thin green part or an empty edge. When you place a tile all sides that border another tile already placed must concur with those tiles’ edges. You can place empty next to empty, but such a tile must border at least one more tile with thick/thick or thin/thin.

When a monster has no more thick or thin sides at its edges it is complete and its owner immediately chooses a new starting tile for a so called minion monster. At any given moment in the game you can only work at one monster.

When each player has completed at least one monster or when all tiles have been placed you score one point for each tile in your first monster and one point for each tile showing eyes in your completed minion monsters and you win with the highest score.

The first game for children from Donald X. Vaccarino, and a roaring success, too, as seen in practice; it is simple, enchantingly illustrated and has that certain something due to the minion monster mechanism.


Players: 2-6

Age: 5+

Time: 20+

Designer: Donald X. Vaccarino, Nina Paley

Art: Nina Paley, Marco Morte, Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan, Mirko Suzuki

Price: ca. 26 Euro

Publisher: Rio Grande Games 2012


Genre: Placement game

Users: For children

Version: en

Rules: en

In-game text: no



Nice topic for children

Wonderful drawings

Simple rules

Interesting tactics due to minion monsters


Compares to:

Carcassonne and placement games with completing of contours


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0