

A one of five main gods on the planet Baffarus you guide your believers, inspire them with your semi-divine Avatar, astonish them with miracles, help them build temples and all that to become the most popular and worshipped god.

In your turn you have an action phase in which you do action or collect glory; a miracle phase in which you can do miracles with Faith points, and a Resources phase in which you verify and mark resources on your own Divinity board. If someone has more than six points from war and glory, the game ends immediately and you score your points from war, fame and balance as well as temples and extra points from regions and special tiles.


Development game for 3-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Red Glove 2014

Designer: Diego Cerreti, Marco Valtriani

Artist: Guido Favaro

Web: www.redglove.eu

Stock#: RG2033E


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en it * In-game text: yes