Sau Mau Mau


Mau Mau with cards, a race with pigs. In turn, you place a suitable card on the discard pile and then resolve the consecutive action - move a pig, draw a card, etc. If you cannot place a card or do not want to, you put one of your pig betting cards on the first empty betting case on the board; you can swap this card later for a card for another pig. When the first pig reaches the finish or if someone is out of cards, the player in first place scores points, and others score for betting cards of the correct winning pig color, depending on the position of the card. After four such races you win with most points.


Race and betting game with cards for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger 2018

Designer: Klaus Kreowski

Art: Nora Nowatzyk


Stock#: 26 773 6


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no