Monkey Beach


The little pirates want to salvage their treasures before the volcano erupts, but they need to find them first. 12 treasures in six shapes are inside the island bag; the active player turns over a blue and a green tile for a treasure and an island exit; when he finds a volcano tile he sets it aside and turnes over a new exit tile. Then he tries to locate the treasure by groping from the outside and to push the treasure out of the indicated exit. If he succeeds and it is the correct treasure he keeps treasure and tile. When all treasures are found or the fourth volcano tile is turned over, you win with most treasures.


Tactile searching game for 2-4 players, ages 3-7


Publisher: Ravensburger 2016

Designer: Forrest-Pruzan Creative

Artist: Forrest-Pruzan Creative


Stock#: 21 181 4


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no