Lauf rauf!


You roll three dice up to three times, can set dice aside and need minimum „15“ to enter a pawn and move a pawn with the sum of two dice. If you reach on ascension spot with one result and have „1“ as a second result, you can change levels. With the result of the black die you can send an opponent back to base, „6“ in a first roll of the black die brings or removes a ban ring for a pawn on the middle level, which can then neither move nor be overtaken. Whoever reaches the summit first with all his three men, wins. In a variant certain dice results can be used for playing cards that can change movement or dice results.


Roll & move game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger 2014

Designer: Rüdiger Koltze

Art: Martin Hoffmann, Mirko Suzuki, DE Ravensburger


Stock #: 26 616 6


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no