

Battle of Elements! 26 Element dice show symbols and one blank; one die in the cauldron shows any symbol. You throw one die into the cauldron, with a force of your choice, also against other dice to “re-roll” them. Then dice showing blanks go out of play and you take dice with identical symbols, your turn ends. When all dice show different symbols, you can stop - the die you threw is lost - or throw another die. When the cauldron is empty, you must throw all your dice. If you are out of dice, you are out of the game. The last player still owning a die or dice, wins. New edition of Der große Wurf, includes a tournament version.


Dice game for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger 2018

Designer: Dieter Nüßle

Art: Fiore GmbH, Cactus


Stock#:  26 781 1


Users: For families


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr it nl * In-game text: no