Das Nilpferd in der Achterbahn


First sighted in 1988, again in 1998 and now, completely revised, in 2018! In the party game in two modes - Gemeinsam gegen die Drecksau orTeam gegen Team - you complete tasks for points. Depending on the location of your Hippo you make the others guess terms using explanation, drawing or pantomime. For each success you move your Hippo forward accordingly, for a failure the Drecksau moves. On action cases you complete special tasks - gurgling a word, form a term or solve quiz tasks. In the Team mode, missed points go to the opposing team instead of the Drecksau and there are other action tasks. Whoever is around the track first, wins.


Party game for 3-12 players, ages 10


Publisher: Ravensburger 2018

Designer: Bertram Kaes, Heiner Wöhning

Art: Nora Nowatzyk

Web: www.ravensburger.de

Stock Nr.  26 772 9


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no