Crazy Race


On a randomly assembled board, five palms mark five legs. You take a car and a car card + a start donkey card to determine your starting position. You roll one die per case that you want to enter and should not surpass the limit of your current animal. If you succeed, you move one step per die, or else one step only. The special ability of your animal can be used once per round. If someone passes a palm, you choose, at the end of the round, one of the animals on display for your new animal. At the end of the last round you move your car the bonus steps indicated on all your animal cards; if you are in first position, you win!


Race game with dice for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Ravensburger 2017

Designer: Alessandro Zucchini

Artist: Michael Menzel


Stock#: 26 725 5


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no