Can’t Stop


Dice game based on the probability of results from rolling two dice, using corresponding column lengths. You roll four dice and combine the results into two numbers. Those numbers are marked with three markers for a round. After selecting three numbers for the round, you can continue to roll and must be able to advance one of the three markers in its track. If you cannot move a marker, your turn ends. If you stop rolling voluntarily, you mark the position of the three temporary markers with your own colored marker and continue – if possible and desired – play in your text turn starting from those positions. If you reach the top of a column, you close it for other players. If you are first to close three columns, you win.


Abstract dice and position game * 2-4 players, ages 9+ * Designer: Sid Sackson * Art: Walter Pepperle * 26 431 5, Ravensburger, Deutschland, 2007 *** Ravensburger Spieleverlag *