

In this beautiful 3D game "real" trees stand in the garden on the game board, the game features real pails with handles and apples that are hung up in the trees at the start of the game. 10 red apples are put on each tree in the sunny garden, a spinner replaces the die and rules the harvesting - will you be able to put several apples into your pail or will the end up in the meadow. If you are first to collect 10 apples in your pail, you win the game.

First published in 1979, new edition in 1991, new edition 2014 in the series "meine ersten Spiele".


Dice & collect game * 2-4 players, ages 4-8 * 604 5 004 8, Ravensburger, Deutschland, 1979 *** Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg