Abenteuer auf dem Zahlen-Fluss

Fließend Kopfrechnen von 1-100


The ride on the number river trains addition and subtraction in the range of numbers 1 to 100, it offers four different ideas which train number understanding and logical thinking. Independent learning is possible by self-control. The game “Fluss Urlaub” demands solving of adding and subtraction questions and placement of chips. “Besuch von Neptun” asks for solving of calculations and to swim as nears as possible to Neptun. Two introductory games train comparison of numbers and calculating.


Educational game * Series: spielend Neues lernen * 2-4 players from age 7-10 * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Graphics: Gabriela Silveira * ca. 30 minutes * 25 024 0, Ravensburger Spieleverlag, Germany, 2006 * Ravensburger GmbH * www.ravensburger.at