Unnatural selection


You play cards for creatures fighting in an arena - from amoebas to mythical beasts: You have three cards, each one is creature and modifier at the same time. One player is the judge of the round; all others play a face-down card and one is added rom the stack - then cards are shuffled and revealed, and all turn their hand over to the modifier side and add cards face-down to creatures. The judge then selects the creature that wins the fight. If you win e-5 fights depending on the number of players, you win the game. One variant features a random event, to which you try to suit your creature, another uses a pre-arranged penalty for the player of the worst creature, as selected by the judge, too.


Card game for 3-10 players, ages 8+


Publisher: R&R Games 2013

Designer: Ken Gruhl, Quentin Weir

Art: Matthan Heiselt, Jenn Vargas

Web: www.rnrgames.com

Stock #: 062613-172


Users: For families

Special: Many players


Version: multi * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: yes