Push a Monster

There’s room for one more!


At long last monsters are allowed to harass and rile other monsters, they can push and shove and make them fall over the edge - stop, this is not allowed, no monster should fall off the arena.

The arena sits in the middle of the table; at the start of the game you place seven out of 27 wooden monsters in the arena, as stated in the rules, nicely next to each other, not jutting out over the edge and with their sticker side up. Then the jostling can begin.

The active player rolls the die and takes this monster, or - if he rolled the question mark - the monster of which there are still the most copies in stock, puts it on the big slide and tries to push the monster completely into the arena, using only both slides. As soon as the monster is on the slide you cannot touch if with your hand anymore, unless it falls off the slide - in this case you can put it back on the slide without penalty. Other monsters in the arena can be pushed, shoved or turned, with the slides only, they can also jut out over the edge, this is forbidden only to the active monster! You can also carefully turn the arena. When a monster falls off the arena, each player but the active one gets a tile showing the fallen monster. When someone rolls a monster that is no longer in stock, you win with the longest row of monster tiles.

Monsters always go well with children in games, especially when accompanied, as in this game, by easy rules and simple components as well as lots of fun. And there is even a bit of tactic, because if you have to push a monster off, then choose a small one! And if the die behaves, there is huge fun to be had by all!


Players: 2-4

Age: 5+

Time: 15+

Designer: Wolfgang Dirscherl, Manfred Reindl

Artist: Claus Stephan, Michael Hüter

Price: ca. 30 Euro

Publisher: Queen Games 2015


Genre: Dexterity

Users: For children

Special: Many players

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr

In-game text: no



Nice story

Good, short rules

Bad luck in rolling die can rile smaller children

Good training for hand-eye coordination


Compares to:

Dexterity games asking for filling up space


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 3

Action (dark green): 3