

At the time of the Hippies in America, the surface seems to be love, peace and happiness only, but beneath the surface the gangsters are more greedy than ever before. Action cards, gangsters and shares are shuffled together and you are dealt 12 cards, which you stack face-down. In turn players choose one card from their stack and then a second one, the remaining stack is handed on. Then you play ten rounds comprising those steps: Choose a card from your stack, play a card, implement card actions and then implement “each round” actions on your cards on display. Depending on the card you played you pay costs, meet conditions and then use the action. At the end each winnign marker is worth 10.00 and you win with the highest total from cash and winning markers.


Card game with a money topic for 2-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Queen Games 2014

Designer: Donald X. Vaccarino

Artist: Claus Stephan, Patrick Rennwanz


Stock#: 20010


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de en pl * In-game text: yes