Fresco Expansion Module 7

The Scrolls


Fresco Expansion Module 7 offers yet another expansion module for Fresco, again separately packed. The expansion features 10 new tiles, „The Scrolls“, in two colors, on the crème-colored tiles horizontal parts of the fresco are marked, on the blue tiles vertical parts, always all five squares of a row. At the start of the game the tiles are sorted by color, shuffled and stacked face-down. Then each player is dealt one tile of each color, the rest of the tiles is set aside. Put your tiles behind your screen and orient them according to your view of the board.

If, in your turn and in the “Cathedral: Restore the Fresco” phase, you do restore one part of the fresco that is marked on one of your tiles, you may place the Bishop on this part and discard the tile; this earns you two victory points for each restored part of the fresco in this row, that is, each part without a fresco tile, and it does not matter if you or another player did restore those parts. If you can restore the part of the fresco that marks the intersection of the row and column marked on your scroll tiles you score 3 points for each restored part of row and column. Row and column are scored separately, so you score the intersection area twice. In a game for two players Leonardo is not given scroll tiles. When someone else restores the last part of a row or column marked on your tiles you cannot use the scroll tile anymore; such unused tiles are worthless at the end of the game.

If you own Fresco you will have an interesting expansion with this Scroll module; it needs good planning to use both tiles in an optimum way.


Players: 2-4

Age: 10+

Time: 90+

Designer: Marco Ruskowski, Marcel Süßelbeck, Wolfgang Panning 

Artist: Oliver Schlemmer

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Queen Games 2011


Genre: Worker placement game

Users: With friends

Version: multi

Rules: de en

In-game text: no



Second, separately packed expansion

Needs core game to play

Can be combined with other expansion modules


Compares to:

Fresco Core Game and Expansion The Glaziers


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0