

Expedition Luxor

Discover temples and pyramids


As adventurer you discover temples and pyramids in Luxor and want to lay claim to your discoveries. Landscape tiles come into play step by step and adventurers placed on them take over control of the tiles. The active player must add one and can add up to three landscape tiles from his hand, edge on edge, to the display and draw a new tile after each placement; the maximum size of the display relates to the number of players. If you place a camp, you put up to five adventurers on it and move them – only immediately after placement, never later, onto other tiles, as many of  them as are necessary for the landscape type. If there are adventures already present on a tile you reach, you put your adventurer on top. When all landscape tiles have been placed, you score for tiles if your adventurer is the top one in the stack on the tile: 1 point for a camp, 2 points for a temple and 3 points for a pyramid - and win with most points.

The expansion “New Adventures” features four pairs of action tiles for each player, you have three of them in hand. When you have placed your tiles in your turn, you can then play an action tile, but only if you have minimum one adventurer on a mountain tile. This adventurer is removed. and you score for controlled tiles adjacent to ships placed or close tiles for other adventurers; or you move the mountain adventurer on adjacent tiles and take opposing adventurers off them for points or put him on top of a stack.

A nice family game in the basic version, in which the visibility of your next tile to draw facilitates planning; when playing with the expansion you will find the game a lot more tactical.


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 45+

Designer: Rüdiger Dorn

Artist: Patricia Limberger, Markus Erdt

Price: ca. 25 Euro

Publisher: Queen Games 2018


Genre: Tile placement, marker position

Users: For families

Version: multi

Rules: de en fr

In-game text: no



Reworked edition of Raubritter

New topic

Same mechanism

Includes “New Adventures” expansion


Compares to:

Raubritter for mechanism, Luxor for topic


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0