
Get off the board!


Repello is an abstract game pieces repelling each other. All pieces in Repello repel all other pieces when there is not enough distance between them, regardless if it is a stack or a token, the minimum distance is one square. Each turn can initiate a chain reaction that can cross the complete board and push tokens off the board. This is the real aim of Repello, you should achieve the highest score with tokens and stacks pushed off the board.

Each player has a stack which is equipped with between 10 and 15 tokens, depending on the number of players. The board is seeded with one gold, four silver and four grey tokens as stated in the rules. Each player puts his stack somewhere into the starting zone, but take care to leave a minimum of one square distance between stackers. In your turn you first move your stack to an adjacent square, this shows the total number of steps for your move and all of the squares that you need to enter must be empty. You leave one token from your stack on the square where you start your turn. When the move ends on a square next to another token, both repel eath other, the active player decides which is repelled-. The repelled token is pushed one square in the opposite direction, numbers on squares are not regarded and a stack leaves no token. If you push stacks off board or have to move them off there are special rules. You win in the end with the highest score for tokens pushed off board.

Repello offers an interesting abstract mechanism; you must always keep in mind that you must move over the complete distance before repelling takes effect, you can change direction any time.


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Isabel Holmberg

Artist: not named

Price: ca. 28 Euros

Publisher: Piantik 2011


Genre: Placement and pushing game

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: multi

Rules: cz de en hu se sk

In-game text: no



Purely abstract game

Unusual mechanism for the distance in a turn

Repelling only takes effect at the end of the movement


Compares to:

Abalone for pushing pieces off board by chain reactions, other abstract placement games


Other editions:

At Mindtwister in English and Swedish


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 2

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0