DKT Wien


DKT, Austria’s equivalent of monopoly, now under the aegis of Austria’s traditional and oldest producer of games, has been given a new, typical Austrian twist with a special edition for her capital. Following the well-known rules you visit Hofburg or Donauturm or even the sewers in Vienna’s „Underworld“, evoking a flavor of „The Third Man“. You build hotels and typical Viennese cafés, hoping for customers, and instead of going to jail you take a Fiaker and visit a Heuriger in Grinzing. And if money runs scarce, there is always a therapy on the couch of a fellow player!


Economics game with dice for 3-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Piatnik


Stock#: 631573


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version:  de * Rules: de * In-game text: de