

The directors are bored and make up their minds to rob each others banks. All players start with 10 coins, a card is placed in front of each bank, each player has 5 cards. In his move a player turns up an action tile and either placed a card next to a bank or may look at a card next to a bank or turn up a card there or a robbery takes place and all cards are turned up. A Policeman protects a bank, a detective catches the robbers, the lady distracts all men. If none of these cards appear players toss for the loot, the highest bidder gets the biggest share. When all cards are played, all remaining banks are robbed, then the player with the biggest fortune.


Collecting game with a robbery theme * 2-5 players from age 10 * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Graphics: Arthur Wagner * ca. 30 min * 643897, Austria, 2006 *** Wr. Spielkartenfabrik Ferdinand Piatnik & Söhne *