




Andere Länder, andere Sitten



This game clearly shows its topic in the title, it is customs, facts and idiosyncrasies of foreign countries and cultures. If you are the active player, you draw a question card. You read is alone and secretly and place the five country markers onto the board, one must be placed on the correct country as stated on the card, the other four you can place on any country of your choice, provided you choose different coordinates. Then you read the story again to all other players and name the countries you selected and also their identification letter from A to E.

Now the other players muss guess the correct country where the story takes place. The first to do so places the score card with the letter of his choice face down and calls out “First”. This is the signal for the other players to also choose a score card; then all cards are revealed at the same time. If you are correct you score 5 points, if you were first to guess correctly you score 2 bonus points, the active player scores 3 points for each wrong answer. All move their marker accordingly; the first to reach the finish wins the game.

An additional month of 5 days, cleaning brooms before Christmas, astrological advice for the day of the Declaration of Independence, shout at swine instead of people, honey harvested from rocks, a geometrical consonant script without direction – regional customs! The game offers challenging, interesting, funny or bizarre insights into foreign cultures well worth knowing by means of very simple rules. The active player can influence the difficulty significantly by his choice of countries, e.g. only tropical countries.


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 12 and up

Dauer           : ca.  45 min


Autor           : Marion Luger

Grafik          : not stated

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 34,00 Euro

Verlag          : Piatnik 2010



Genre                    : Guessing game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Assign local custom to correct country



Highly informatiive information

Selection of countries influences degree of difficulty

Very simple rules

Special rules for a 2-player game



All quiz games with similar topics, e.g. Spiel des Wissens Planet Erde






Wissen_               3



Interaktion                   1

