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Kampf der Aeronauten


High up in the clouds over the Boiling See a conflict rages among aeronauts in a steam punk setting, pirates on the hunt for booty versus hunters of the White Dragon empire. Each faction has its own deck and and players can choose either the introductory game or the advanced game in which all cards are used. The decks prepared accordingly are shuffled, three cards are put, face-down, at the bottom of the deck. Whoever forces the opponent to discard all cars from his hand will win. Discarding cards means that you turn them over to their back side, saving cards means turning them back over to their front side. Characters fight alone or in groups of two or three, led by the foremost card, and have 3 basis and 3 support values for Sailing, Shooting and Entering, plus Leader Tricks and Magical Tricks as group member. You can look at your deck, but not rearrange it. A turn comprises event resolving (maybe), announcing of ability, playing of 1-3 cards and, finally, evaluating and applying effects – in case of a tie the cards played are sorted out, the initiative stays with the player. When there is a winner of the conflict, cards played are sorted out and then the ability of the winner is applied: For Sailing the winner saves two cars, for Shooting the loser discards two cards and for Entering the winner saves one card and the loses discards one, the winner takes the Initiative.

An attractive, cute card game with a small barrier at the beginning, but you get quickly used to the fast combat game set in the Oddball Universe, a game offering a high replay value due to the many options for actions and the manifold abilities of characters.


Players: 2

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Nigel Pyne

Artist: Lloyd Ash Pyne

Price: ca. 10 Euro

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2015


Genre: Steampunk, card comparison

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: de

Rules: de en

In-game text: yes



Set in the Oddball Universe

Steampunk topic

Lots of variations due to abilities and actions

Topic well implemented with fantastic art

Good for families with same gaming experience


Compares to:

Card games with strength comparison and special abilities


Other editions:

Oddball Aeronauts, TheMaverickMuse


Chance (pink): 3

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0