
Pickpocket and a hand limit of 0!


There are games that keep returning like a boomerang and Fluxx is one of them; the idea to play a card game whose purpose it is to change the rules of the game seems to be everlastingly fascinating.

The game comprises four main varieties of cards – Rule cards, Goal cards, Action cards and Keeper cards. At the start of the game the basic rule card applies, it states: Draw a card, play a card, no hand limit, no keeper limit. New rule cards influence the number of cards you can hold, the number of cards you can display, drawing of cards, playing of cards and victory condition and when played replace a currently valid rule card. Keeper cards you play on the table for yourself, they are necessary for most Goal cards in order to win the game. A Goal card played replaces the rule card on display.

Basically, a turn comprises four steps: 1) draw the currently valid number of cards 2) play the currently valid number of cards from your hand 3) play keeper cards as often as you can or as you are currently allowed to 4) if necessary, discard cards till you have reached the limit for cards in hand. Cards played can introduce optional actions which you can implement any time in your turn. Play goes on until somebody meets the currently valid goal with cards in his display, which means that you can also win by a card that somebody else played as long as your display meets the winning conditions.

Fluxx is an ingenious fast game, very much chance-driven and definitely not balanced, but lots of fun if you adapt quickly to changing conditions; the name of card usually is sufficient to know and use the effect.


Players: 2-6

Age: 8+

Time: var

Designer: Andrew Looney

Artist: Andrew Looney, Todd Cameron Hamilton, Hans-Georg Schneider

Price: ca. 8 Euro

Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2011


Genre: Card game

Users: With friends

Version: de

Rules: de en jp nl

In-game text: yes



Fabulous, still fresh basic mechanism

Very much chance-driven due to drawing of cards

Demands quick reactions to changing situations


Compares to:

Earlier editions of Flux


Other editions:

In English at Looney Labs, other editions in Japanese and Dutch


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 2

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0