Boss Monster


An evil card game in which you want to be the ultimate villain and boss of your own dungeon, simulated by a card game in the style of a retro 8-bit video game. You need to entice heroes into your dungeon to eliminate them and to win them as souls, surviving heroes cause wounds for you – you win at the end of a round if you garnered ten souls and lose if you received five or more wounds. You use room cards to expand your dungeon, heroes and epic heroes are your opponents and you use spells and embody a boss monster. Rounds comprise the phases of start of turn, building, attracting, adventure and end of round.

This expansion is even more evil and features three mini expansions: Werkzeuge nach Heldenart introduces the new card type Equipment, which strengthens heroes, but can be used by a boss against another boss. Bruchlandung lets you play with up to six players and introduces a new class of heroes.Totale Zerstörung extends the card types by new elements.


Expansion for Boss Monster for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Pegasus Spiele 2017

Designer: Johnny and Chris O‘Neal

Artist: Francisco Coda, Markus Dewdney, Bertrand Dupuy, Katrina Guillermo, Kyle Merritt,

    Santiago Reinoso Munoz, David Nyari, Rom Haviv,  Christine Conrad


Stock#: 17562G


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes