Concordia Aegyptus et Creta


Two new boards! In the Aegyptus scenario, Memphis is the starting town; town tiles B are removed, a bonus food is placed in Kush; PRAEFEKT gives additional food when producing in Nile provinces and for players with incense trade for production in a province with a harbor town at the Red See. ARCHITEKT allows several sea colonists per sea route; sea colonists to the Red See needs KOLONIST: Special case Incense Trade for sea colonists. Szenario Creta - Knossos is starting town, town tiles C are removed; Gavdos is a province with one town and variable bonus goods for production, money bonus +2.


New Concordia scenarios for 2-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: PD-Verlag 2017

Designer: Mac Gerdts, Frank Lamprecht

Artist: Marina Fahrenbach


Stock#: 09718 7


Users: For experts


Version: multi * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes