Alfabet Spel


You have a set of 42 letters and 6 jokers, same backside color and different letter colors on different backgrounds colors. You begin with seven open letters drawn as your hand from your stock and place one word in turn in the manner of a cross word puzzle; then the number of letter tiles that you receive or discard depends on the word you placed: Each letter on red placed on a red spot gives you one letter from your stock, each letter on red or white placed on black spot or each letter on black placed on a red spot costs you one letter from your hand. You win if you placed all your letters or with fewest letters in hand and stock when nobody can place a word anymore.


Word placement game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Nova Carta 2012

Designer: Fred Horn


Stock Nr. 00271 9

Users: With friends


Version: nl * Rules: nl * In-game text: yes