Das große Bauernhofspiel


Cards are rewards and you get them for knowledge or help to the farmer. You hold four harvest cards and roll a die: For a question mark you answer a question - help might be necessary for reading - and receive the card for a correct answer. For a number, you move maximum that many steps: On a planting field, you must put down all suitable cards in your hand. If then two cards are in place, you have planted the field and take one card for your reward. In the hen coop or on the cow pasture you receive a reward if three cards are in place. In the barn, you draw a card and place it where it belongs. Whoever collects eight cards first, wins.


Collecting / quiz game for 2-4 players, ages 5+


Publisher: Noris Spiele 2017

Art: Lisa Stachnik, Andrea Hofbeck

Web: www.noris-spiele.de

Stock #: 60 601 1632


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes