Rock the Bock

Das tierische Würfelspiel


Deer earns you points, roebuck as well as does - penalty points come from wolves given to you by other players. You take a sheet and select a color. The active player takes all dice available to him, rolls them, selects dice, enters the result and deletes dice. You begin with ten dice. After one roll you select all dice of one background color - white for roebucks, or the does in your own color and mark the sheet accordingly. If you select grey for wolves, you select a player who must mark them on his sheet. If you select the color of another player, they must mark that many does. Then you delete as many dice on your sheet as you have used. When you have deleted all ten dice, you are out of the round, but can still receive does or wolves. When all are out of dice, you score the round: More roebucks than wolves = 1 point for each doe; more wolves than roebucks = -1 point for each doe; equal numbers of wolves and roebucks or no doe = 0 points. After three such rounds you win with most points.

2nd edition


Dice game for 2-4 players, ages 8+

Publisher: moses. Verlag 20

Designer: Inka und Markus Brand

Artist: Kreativbunker


Stock#: 90372


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes