

In the guise of a Guardian Angel or Ragami you walk the streets of the metropolis and assist citizen in solving conflicts. Action dice are rolled and set on an action spot; for each red 1 you place a demon and then turn the dice to any number. In your turn you choose a die, reduce its value by one and resolve the corresponding action: Move a Saint, Demon or Ragami or Draw cards and move Ragami or Solve conflict by discarding of Power points and receive virtue points or Move Ragami. To solve conflicts you must be on a conflict spot and can invite others to help you. Cards can also be played without using an action from an action die.


Placement game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Mesaboardgames 2012

Designer: Gil d‘Orey

Art: Pedro Sato

Web: www.mesaboardgames.com

Stock#: 42018 1


Users: With friends


Version: multi * Rules: de en es pt * In-game text: no