Die Peking Akte


Six detectives are interviewing witnesses for facts to dedect the culprit. The Spy knows the hideout of the culprit, the Wise Man always tells the truth and can tell if a citizen is lying, and a citizen may lie. A briefing on the case at the start also gives clues. The active player rolls and moves: On a fortune cookie case you implement an event card, the ricksha gives you additional movement and in a building you can interrogate witnesses by reading the local card with mirror, decoder or by warming the card. If you think you have identified the culprit, you check the accusation on the respective Dragon case and either win the round or are out of the game.


Detection game for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Milton Bradley 1988

Designer: Mary Danby

Artist: nicht genannt


Stock#: 4096


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes